Getting Started with Your Branded Content

How Much Will a Blog or Articles Library Cost?

Setting up a comprehensive blog or articles library with a content broker can cost tens of thousands of dollars, based on the services you want.

You’re not just getting x number of 500-word articles from these content brokers. They also sell you on a strategic plan, the content delivery platform (the software), a social media strategy and campaign, and tracking and measuring your traffic.

If you’d like to start smaller, you can begin with a content library of 25 or so articles. Your IT people can post the articles to a new consumer page on your website or attach a blog program (like the one I’m using for this website), to your website. The more social media knowledge your marketing director or IT staff have, the more you can push out your content and track the results.

To help you set up a project like this, I charge a one-time $3,500 startup fee that includes the following:

  • Consultation with your marketing director to discuss your target audience demographics, your sales goals, your brand-management goals, your audience interest in content and your goals for a brand-content project.
  • Consultation with your IT person to discuss your customer traffic patterns, their social media habits and the logistics of setting up your articles or library or blog.
  • Consultation with your marketing director regarding the creation of the list of topics you want covered (articles or posts).
  • A startup library of 25 articles or posts for your launch.

After your articles library or blog is up and running, I charge $100-$200 per article/post, depending on the length, research needed, whether or not it includes an interview and how many posts your purchase.

Your marketing director, IT person and I will monitor your traffic to see what content is getting found, read and shared. We’ll discuss how your social media plan is working (i.e., your Facebook posts, tweets, etc.). We’ll look at any tweaks or modifications that need to be made after the first 90 days.